Friday 16 December 2011


Draft Font Styles

Draft Colour Scheme

Draft Layouts

I think this layout for the front cover of my magazine is appropriate to attract the target audience of my magazine, as i have used a simular colour scheme as proved popular in my questionnaire. I have also tried to give the layout of the magazine a slightly cluttered look as this is a technique used by many magazines on the market today to make the magazine look more attractive and appealing to a younger target audience.

My contents page layout is slightly more organised, this is because i want to keep my magazine looking simple and interesting to attract the 10-16 year old target audience. i kept the colour scheme of the front cover and the contents page simular as i wanted to create a 'house style'that the readers of my magazine will recognize.

I intent to have a big image of the model as a musician on the left side on my double spread. My double page spread is going to be an interview with a 'pop' musician, therfore my double page spread will be mainly text and pull quotes to attract the readers eye to the article.

Production plan:
My photos will be taken on the 8th of december and i estimate the photography to take around an hour as i want to take a range of different photos for my front page, contents page and double page spread. I am going to be using a pink guitar as a prop for my model to hold, as i think it connotes the music genre and the colour pink is a feminine colour assosiated with the pop genre. My model is going to be a teenage girl. By using a teenage girl on the front cover i think it will attract the 10-16 year old target audience as they are a simular age and can relate to her. I have chosen to use a pink and black striped dress as the costume for my model as i think the colour pink promotes the innocence and femmininity of my magazine. I am going to be taking these photos using a cannon camera, i aim to get around 10 pictures of my model in different poses so i can see which images to select so that my product is of the highest quality possible.