Friday 25 November 2011

Pop Analysis- Billboard

Typography- The font on the front cover of ‘Billboard’ is mainly in black, white and yellow on a light pink background. The typography follows the typical conventions of a Pop music magazine. The text is a mix of lower case and capital letters which emphasises important parts of the text and makes it stand out on the page. The masthead ‘Billboard’ is written in a simple black bold font with the middle of some letters containing bright vibrant colours which stand out on the page. This adds more interest to the magazine and makes the masthead look more unique and recognizable. The largest text, other than the masthead, is the kicker 'Katy Perry', this links with the main image and would be eye catching to the target audience.

Layout- The Layout of Billboard is ordered. The strap lines on the page anchor the curves on Katy’s body, making the layout seem fitting. The front cover of Billboard is mainly text ordered to the left of the page. The main image of pop star Katy Perry is in the centre of the page, the front cover follows the rule of thirds signifying the importance of the main image.

Language- On the front cover there is a strapline that draws the audience’s attention. The strap line reads ‘Can Taylor Swift’s Q4 album debut with a million sold?’ this relates to the Pop music genre and attracts a specific fan base. The use of a rhetorical question gets the audience involved and gives a personal mode of address. There is no ‘slang’ or word abbreviation on the front cover which signifies this Billboard has a slightly more mature target audience than other pop magazines.

Colour- The colour theme on the front cover of Billboard is mainly, black, yellow and white typography on a light pink background. The colour pink is a soft colour and symbolises sexuality and purity. Pink is often a symbolic colour of ‘pure love’ this links with the romantic pose Katy Perry is doing with her hands on her heart in the main image. The colours pink and yellow fit in with the typical conventions of a pop magazine.

Mise-en-scene- The flowers on Katy Perry’s dress are used as a prop to signify beauty and love. The costume used is a black floral dress which helps signify the gentle femininity of the magazine. The way Katy Perry is dressed promotes a feeling of innocence and gentleness towards the target audience.
Camerawork- The camera work is a medium shot of pop star Katy Perry. The medium shot shows Katy’s floral costume and shows her posing romantically with her hands on her heart. The shot composition highlights her femininity. The camera work signifies innocence and femininity therefore stating the target audience.

Mode of address- The mode of the address is informal, however no slang is used which signifies Billboard is aged at a slightly more mature audience than other magazines. Rhetorical questions are used on the strap line to make the magazine have a more personal mode of address to appeal to the target audience.

Typography- The font is clear to read and is in black and blue on a white background. There are two different font types on the contents page, one is slightly bigger than the other and is used as a masthead. Bold font is also used to make important font stand out against the bulk of the text. The masthead is ‘CONTENTS’ in significantly larger text than the rest of the typography.

Layout- The layout is very ordered listed text to the left and three equally sized pictures to the right. The ratio of text to image is relatively equal with a main image separating the two.

Language- Language has an informal tone, no slang is used on the contents page, signifying that this magazine is aimed at a more mature target audience. Phrases like ‘ready for lift off’ make the language sound fun and friendly.

Mise-en-scene- In the main centre image singer Hayley Williams is dressed in red and white stripes. The colour of her costume connotes Christmas which links to the strap line ‘Christmas in July’. A candy cane is also as a prop in this image to signify Christmas.

Camerawork- A low angle shot in used to make singer Hayley Williams look more significant. This type of shot was used to signify that she is seen as a role model to her fans and the target audience of ‘Billboard’. On the right side of the page a long shot is used on the middle image. A long shot has been used to show the bands body language and clothing as this is important to signify there music genre. This band are a rock band, this signified by their dark clothing and there ‘hands in pockets ‘pose, which portrays their attitude.

Colour- The colours white, red and blue are used on the contents page. The colour red dominates the page and links to the strap line ‘Christmas in July’ as Christmas is linked with the colour red. The colour blue is also used under the masthead ‘contents page’ and to highlight key text within the typography. The colour blue symbolises youth and links well to the pop genre.

Mode of address- Mode of address is informal this is not only shown by the typography and layout but also the pose in which Haley William stands in the main image. The Typography contains no slag, therefore suggesting a slightly more mature target audience than many other pop magazines-such as top of the pops. The word ‘PLUS’ is used repetitively throughout the typography, suggesting a friendly mode of address.

Typography- The typography is in clear font, mostly in black and pink. The pull quote ‘only I can do it’ is highlighted in pink which makes it stand out from the rest of the page.

Layout- Layout is quite ordered to fit in with the house style of Billboard. The layout is set into columns with pull quotes and images looking more significant than the rest of the text. There is one main image on the front cover of pop icon, Rihanna. The main image stands out as it is significantly larger than the rest of the features and contrasts against the white background.

Language- The Language used is relatively formal, the pull quote ‘only I can do it’ creates some controversy as the artist is boasting that only she can do certain songs. The pull quote is used to grab the reader’s attention.

Colour- The colour scheme of the Billboard double page spread in mainly pink and black. The colour pink signifies femininity, and the colour black signifies a more dark edgy side to the artist.

Mise-en-scene- The ‘Mickey mouse’ ears are used as a prop in this image, which are iconic to Disney and associated with childhood. The use of this prop contrast the use of the ‘military tank’ as Disney is associated with innocence and the military tanks are associated with violence and war. Both props signify that the artist or magazine is not afraid to take risks.

Camerawork-The Camerawork in the main image is a long shot of pop artist, Rihanna. The long shot shows the singer riding a military tank. The tank is in bright pink which is a feminine colour, which contrasts the colours associated with war. The long shot is used to show Rihanna’s costume and choice of prop, which are denoted with the pop genre.

Mode of address- The mode of address of the double page spread is informal and this signifies that the magazine is aimed at a slightly more mature audience than other magazines within the pop genre.

Kerrang Magazine Analysis- Rock Genre

The title name of the magazine is in bold capital letters and stands out from the white background. The typography is cracked and looks like ‘smashed glass’ which is stereotypical of their rock star image. The other typography is in sans serif font and is clear to read, signifying that ‘Kerrang’ is aimed at a more mature audience.

Layout- Layout is relatively ordered, the audiences eye is immediately drawn to the big bold letters ‘Kerrang Awards’ which is the cover story of the magazine.

Colour-The colour scheme is mainly black, white and red. The colours black and red could signify danger associated with the bands rock and roll image.

Images- There is one main image and four smaller ones near the bottom of the page. Mise-en-scene is used effectively on the cover of ‘Kerrang’ as guitars and microphones are used as props to signify the rock genre.

VIBE Magazine Analysis- R&B Genre

Typography- Font is in sans serif font and is very straight and sharp; it is also in bold and stands out on the page. The font is clear to read and will appeal to a young adult target audience.

Layout- Layout is relatively ordered and is clearly focused around the centre image. There is only one image, and little text which make the magazine look simple and stylish.

Colour- The background of the magazine is in white and contrasts with the vibrant red and beige typography. The colour red signifies violence which is often stereotyped within the R&B genre.

Images- Image is in black and white so it stands out and contrasts against the vibrant typography. Camerawork is a mid-shot of the popular rapper Akon making a gun gesture with his hand, his actions signify violence stereotyped with the R&B genre. Mise-en-scene is also used to highlight the R&B genre, as in the image the rapper has chains or ‘bling’ around his neck which is stereotypical of rappers.

Mode of address- Mode of address is relatively informal and uses slang such as ‘AIN’T HAVIN’ IT’ which mimics the way in which rappers talk and is a stereotype of the R&B genre.

Top of the Pops Magazine Analysis- Pop Genre

Typography- Font style in mainly sans serif font, in places looks like handwriting connoting an informal mode of address. The font style will appeal to the teenage target audience as it looks fun and informal.

Layout- The layout is clearly set out with images at the bottom and cover lines down the sides. The layout also has a cluttered effect with lots of images and captions in the centre of the page. The Layout follows the rule of thirds and the audience’s eye will immediately be drawn to the central image of popular boy band ‘The Wanted’. The front cover of this pop magazine mainly contains images and less text, signifying that it has an informal mode of address and appeals to a teenage target audience.

Colour - A colour theme of mainly pinks and purples, which shows that the ‘top of the pops’ magazine is aiming mainly at girls. The colours of pink and yellow contrast on the headline and make it stand out from the rest of the page.

Images- The main centreimage is taken from a slightly low angle shot which signifies the importance and stature of the boy band and show how people ‘look up to them’ as there idols. The camera work is a mid-shot to show the boy bands co-ordinating outfits and there ‘hand in pockets’ pose which signifies that they are ‘cool’ and makes them the idol or role models of the target audience.

Mode of address- The magazine has an informal tone and also seems to be fun and friendly. This is seen by the language ‘lush lads stripped’ and ‘our secret hangouts reveal’ the magazine also seems to ‘befriend’ the audience by speaking in a personal tone. There is also a pull quote on the front cover saying ‘pregnant at 13’ which sets the tone of the magazine.