Friday 25 November 2011

Top of the Pops Magazine Analysis- Pop Genre

Typography- Font style in mainly sans serif font, in places looks like handwriting connoting an informal mode of address. The font style will appeal to the teenage target audience as it looks fun and informal.

Layout- The layout is clearly set out with images at the bottom and cover lines down the sides. The layout also has a cluttered effect with lots of images and captions in the centre of the page. The Layout follows the rule of thirds and the audience’s eye will immediately be drawn to the central image of popular boy band ‘The Wanted’. The front cover of this pop magazine mainly contains images and less text, signifying that it has an informal mode of address and appeals to a teenage target audience.

Colour - A colour theme of mainly pinks and purples, which shows that the ‘top of the pops’ magazine is aiming mainly at girls. The colours of pink and yellow contrast on the headline and make it stand out from the rest of the page.

Images- The main centreimage is taken from a slightly low angle shot which signifies the importance and stature of the boy band and show how people ‘look up to them’ as there idols. The camera work is a mid-shot to show the boy bands co-ordinating outfits and there ‘hand in pockets’ pose which signifies that they are ‘cool’ and makes them the idol or role models of the target audience.

Mode of address- The magazine has an informal tone and also seems to be fun and friendly. This is seen by the language ‘lush lads stripped’ and ‘our secret hangouts reveal’ the magazine also seems to ‘befriend’ the audience by speaking in a personal tone. There is also a pull quote on the front cover saying ‘pregnant at 13’ which sets the tone of the magazine.

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