Friday 20 January 2012

Audience and institution research

Initial Questionnaire – Demographic and psychographic research

1/ How old are you?

4-9 10-16 17-21

2/ What genre of music interests you?

Pop R&B Rock Other

3/ What appeals to you in a music magazine?( please circle)

Your favourite musician on the front cover Posters inside

Information and tour dates about your favourite musician


4/ What is your preferred colour scheme for a magazine?

Pink and yellow red and black blue and green


5/ How many music magazines do you buy in the average month?

0-2 3-6 7-10 More than 10

6/ How much would you pay for a music magazine?

0-£1 £1.50-£2

£250-£3 £3 or more

7/ what’s the most important aspect of a music magazine?

Free stuff Posters

Interviews with musicians Other ____________________

8/ Gender?

Male female

I Gave this questionaire to a group of ten people.From this questionaire i found out that the most popluar music genre for people aged 10-16 was pop music. 7 out of the 10 people answering my questionnaire said that pop music was there favourite genre, with the remainding 3 answering R&B. I also found that people from the age group 10-16 thought a music magazine was more appealing if it had a picture of their favourite musician on the front cover. 3 of the 10 people surveyed also thought that including posters of their favourite musicans inside the magazine would help it appeal to them. I found that 7 out of the 10 people surveyed prefered the colours pink and yellow for a magazines colour scheme, with only 2 people answering red and black and 1 person answering blue and green. I also found from my questionaire that most people from the aged 10-16 catergory only brought between 0-2 music magazines a month and our willing to pay £1.50- £2 for a music magazine. Following my questionaire results, i have decided to make a 'pop'music magazine aimed at 10-16 year olds, the magazine will be mainly aimed at girls. I have decided to consider using colours like pink and yellow for my magazine so it will appeal to the demograohics needs. I will make sure that my pop music magazine appeals to 10-16 year old girls by including a double page spread of an interview with a 'pop' musician as i found that most people thought that this was the most important aspect of a music magazine.

Reasearch into Institutions

Top of the pops magazine-
Cover Price £2.99
Frequency 4 Weekly
Circulation 98,030
Readership 298,000
Boys 15%
Girls 85%
Age range 11-15 years

Publisher of Magazine- BBC
Other magazines they produce?-
Radio times, Girl talk.

1 comment:

  1. You have made sound progress with your coursework. Consider using a more eyecatching font for the coverlines.
