Friday 10 February 2012

Front page

1 comment:

  1. Research and Planning: 10/20 (D)
    Construction: 35/60 (C)

    • Complete your research and planning – you need evidence of research into your target audience (e.g. questionnaire, and detailed summary of results) and draft work for each page of the magazine.
    • Consider making the coverlines in the bottom third of the front cover slightly larger so there is less empty space.
    • Try to use a slightly more eyecatching font for the ‘True Story’ coverline.
    • Avoid using the same images on the front cover and contents page.
    • Add page numbers to the contents page and double page spread.
    • All images have to be original so you will need to remove the image of Justin Bieber. You can take a picture of someone and claim they are Justin Bieber.
    • There is a lot of empty space on the double page spread. Consider moving the standfirst up so it goes across the two columns and adding more text to your article. You could also use a pull-quote to fill some space.
    • Consider putting the facts into a box, making the font and spacing a little smaller, and trying to make it more conventional by using a more feminine font and colour.

    You currently have 57% overall, which is a high D. Complete the suggested improvements to your Research and Planning, and the magazine, in order to improve to a B grade in your coursework.
